The Record of Fugitives > Addenda > page [5]
Antislavery Office Nov 26/56
William Bailey (alias Wm. Smith) says he left Jamaica Point, Talbot County, Maryland, on the night of 15th inst, in company with two other men bound on the same errand, a journey to the north, and travelled 25 miles before 12 o’clock when he fell in with a woman staying at the house of a friend where she had been since January last when she attempted to take herself away. We arrived safe in Philadelphia on Monday night last, and there being a large reward offered for our recovery – $2600 – we were, there were four of us, divided. I being sent alone, the others are expected tomorrow. Smith says he left a wife and four children respectively aged 7 years, 4 years, 2 years, and 10 mos. His wife is aged 25, he is 32. Smith says he left his master on account of ill-treatment, of which lately he has received more than he could or would bear. Smith says he has worked a steam engine for the last 30 months. And further saith not. [Woman presumably Eliza Manoga [Manokey]]