Sydney Howard Gay’s "Record of Fugitives"

The Record of Fugitives > Addenda > page [4]



 Antislavery Office Nov 24/56

Henry Brown, alias Johnson, from Maryland, where he was owned by a Mr. Levi Evans, a farmer.  Johnson, says, he left Maryland for the North last Fall but met with an accident on his way from bondage, in Wilmington Del.  Being well known in Wilmington, Del, through which place he was making his journey north, and fearing he would be discovered he leaped from the cars whilst in motion and in doing so came near losing his life: as it was he is a cripple for the remainder of his days here upon earth.  Johnson is a single man, about 20 years old.  Has 3 sisters, slaves, also in Maryland.  And further Johnson saith not.


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