Sydney Howard Gay’s "Record of Fugitives"

The Record of Fugitives > Addenda > page [3]



 Antislavery Office Nov. 24/56

Henry Johnson alias Lewis from Richmond Virginia where he worked in a blacksmith’s shop he being owned by a Mr. Seely who hired him out for that purpose.  Johnson says he had holiday given him and being down about the wharfes the cook of the vessel he arrived here in, asked him if he would not like his freedom and replying in the affirmative was taken on board stowed away and cared for by his friend who enticed him away.  Johnson has been, he says, about 3 weeks on his way to the North.

     Johnson says he can make horse nails and can do a little at horse-shoeing, is a single man and about 22 years old.  Mr. Seely, Johnson’s owner, lives on his farm near Norfolk, Virginia.  Johnson says he has two brothers in slavery in Richmond and that he has no other relatives living.  He arrived here in the (an oyster) schooner last night.  And further Johnson saith not.


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