Frances Perkins: The Woman Behind the New Deal

Trade Unions & Strikes > Trade Unions

Frances Perkins

[Statement for] Newsreel – March 8, 1939

Typescript with corrections, Washington, March, 1939

Frances Perkins Papers, Box 51

This was the Secretary of Labor’s statement on the meeting of CIO and AFL officials. A note written on an earlier draft states “must be short.”

Gift of Frances Perkins

Todd Shipyards

Frances Perkins visit to the Todd Shipyards

Photographs, Richmond, California, March 29, 1941

Frances Perkins Papers, Box 100

Frances Perkins wrote on the verso of the photograph above left: “The first view of Henry Kaiser’s latest Mud & hope.” His Richmond shipyard became famous for producing cargo ships, known as Liberty ships, on the average of one every 45 days, and by November, 1942, production had been cut to just 14 and ½ days.

Gift of Frances Perkins

Photograph of Frances Perkins at Golden Gate Bridge

Frances Perkins Papers, Box 150A

Frances Perkins is seen here inspecting the construction of the Golden Gate Bridge project in San Francisco, March 27, 1935.

Gift of Susan Perkins Coggeshall, 1973


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