Selected Bibliography > Reference Works and Studies
Ansari, K. Humayun. "The Muslim World in British Historical Imagination: 'Re-Thinking Orientalism'?" British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies 38/1 (2011): 73-93.
Bergsträsser, Gotthelf. "Koranlesung in Kairo," Der Islam 20 (1932): 1-42, and 21 (1933): 110-140; for a review of the Cairo Quran edition of 1342/1924, see pp. 2-13.
Binark, İsmet, and Halit Eren. World Bibliography of Translations of the Meanings of the Holy Qurʾan: Printed Translations, 1515-1980. Introduced and ed. by Ekmeleddin İhsanoğlu. Istanbul: Research Centre for Islamic History, Art, and Culture, 1986.
Bobzin, Hartmut. Der Koran im Zeitalter der Reformation: Studien zur Frühgeschichte der Arabistik und Islamkunde in Europa. Stuttgart: Steiner, 1995.
―. Der Koran: Eine Einführung. Munich: Beck, 1999.
Burmann, Thomas E. Reading the Qurʾān in Latin Christendom, 1140-1560. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2007.
Carnoy, Dominique. Représentations de l'Islam dans la France du XVIIe siècle: La ville des tentations. Paris: Harmattan, 1998.
Cecini, Ulissse. Alcoranus latinus: Eine sprachliche und kulturwissenschaftliche Analyse der Koranübersetzungen von Robert von Ketton und Marcus von Toledo. Berlin: LIT Verlag, 2012.
Cook, Michael. Muhammad. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1983.
Déroche, François. Le livre manuscrit arabe: Préludes à une histoire. Paris: Bibliothèque nationale de France, 2004.
Déroche, François, et al. Islamic Codicology: An Introduction to the Study of Manuscripts in Arabic Script. Trs. Deke Dusinberre and David Radzinowicz, ed. Muhammad Isa Waley. London: Furqan Foundation, 2005. Original: Manuel de codicologie des manuscrits en écriture arabe. Paris: Bibliothèque nationale de France, 2000.
Elmarsafy, Ziad. The Enlightenment Qurʾan: The Politics of Translation and the Construction of Islam. Oxford: Oneworld, 2009.
Ernst, Carl W. How to Read the Qurʾan: A New Guide with Select Translations. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2011.
Fischer, Klaus, and Wolfdietrich Fischer. "Arabic Studies (Classical Tradition)," in Brill's New Pauly, Brill Online, 2011 (accessed 10 June 2011).
Gacek, Adam. Arabic Manuscripts: A Vademecum for Readers. Leiden: Brill, 2009.
Garcia, Humberto. Islam and the English Enlightenment, 1670-1840. Baltimore, Md.: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2012.
Hamilton, Alastair. "Arabic Studies in Europe," in Encyclopedia of Arabic Language and Linguistics, Brill Online, 2011 (accessed 10 June 2011).
Hamilton, Alastair, and Francis Richard. André du Ryer and Oriental Studies in Seventeenth-Century France. London: Arcadian Library, 2003.
Henrich, Sarah, and James L. Boyce. "Martin Luther - Translations of Two Prefaces on Islam: Preface to the Libellus de ritu moribus Turcorum (1530), and Preface to Bibliander's Edition of the Qur'ān," Word & World 16/2 (1996): 250-266.
Khaleel, Mohammed. "Assessing English Translations of the Qurʾan," Middle East Quarterly 12/2 (2005): 58-71.
Khūʾī, ʿAlī Ṣadrāʾī. Catalogue of Manuscripts of Persian Translations of the Holy Quran. Qum: Markaz-i tarjumah-i Qurʾān-i majīd bih zabānhā-yi khārijī, 2004; in Persian.
Krek, Miroslav. "Islamic Manuscripts in North American Libraries: Part 5 - Union Theological Seminary Library," MELA Notes, no. 36 (Fall 1985): 4-9; the handlist covers 18 manuscripts and includes some Christian material, but should be used with discretion; the call numbers are not those used for the Burke manuscripts since 2005.
Lawrence, Bruce B. The Qurʾan: A Biography. New York: Atlantic Monthly Press, 2006.
Lings, Martin. The Quranic Art of Calligraphy and Illumination. London: World of Islam Festival, 1976.
Malcolm, Noel. "The 1649 English Translation of the Koran: Its Origins and Significance," Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 75 (2012): 261-295.
Marchand, Suzanne L. German Orientalism in the Age of Empire: Religion, Race, and Scholarship. Washington, D.C.: German Historical Institute, 2009.
Marr, Timothy. The Cultural Roots of American Islamicism. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2006.
Matar, Nabil I. Turks, Moors and Englishmen in the Age of Discovery. New York: Columbia University Press, 1999.
McAuliffe, Jane Dammen, general editor. The Encyclopaedia of the Qurʾān. 6 vols. Leiden: Brill, 2001-2006.
Neuwirth, Angelika. "Ein Versuch der historischen und forschungsgeschichtlichen Verortung des Koran," in eadem, Studien zur Komposition der medinensischen Suren: Die literarische Form des Korans - ein Zeugnis seiner Historizität, rev. ed.: 1*-54*. Berlin: de Gruyter, 2007.
Olson, Carl. "The Sacred Book," in The Oxford Companion to the Book, eds. Michael F. Suarez and H. R. Woudhuysen, 1: 11-23. 2 vols. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010.
Reissmann, Karen. "Frühe persische Koranübersetzungen." MA thesis, Universität Hamburg, 1997.
Richard, Francis. Le livre persan. Paris: Bibliothèque nationale de France, 2003.
Rippin, Andrew. "Qurʾan," in Oxford Bibliographies Online, DOI: 10.1093/OBO/9780195390155-0066, last update 14 December 2009.
Roper, Geoffrey. "The History of the Book in the Muslim World," in The Oxford Companion to the Book, eds. Michael F. Suarez and H. R. Woudhuysen, 1: 321-339. 2 vols. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010.
Safi, Omid. Memories of Muhammad: Why the Prophet Matters. New York: HarperOne, 2009.
Sefercioğlu, Mustafa Nejat. World Bibliography of Translations of the Holy Qurʾan in Manuscript Form: Turkish, Persian, and Urdu Translations Excluded. Introduced and ed. by Ekmeleddin İhsanoğlu. Istanbul: Research Centre for Islamic History, Art, and Culture, 2000.
Small, Keith E. Textual Criticism and Qurʾan Manuscripts. Lanham, Md.: Lexington Books, 2011.
Southern, Richard W. Western Views of Islam in the Middle Ages. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1962.
Stern, David. "The Hebrew Bible in Europe in the Middle Ages: A Preliminary Typology," Jewish Studies: An Internet Journal 11 (2012): 1-88; available at:
Tadrus, Fawzi M. The Holy Koran in the Library of Congress. Washington: Library of Congress, 1993.
Toomer, Gerald J. Eastern Wisedome and Learning: The Study of Arabic in Seventeenth-Century England. New York: Oxford University Press, 1996.
Wilson, M. Brett. "The First Translations of the Qurʾan in Modern Turkey (1924-1938)," International Journal of Middle East Studies 41/3 (2009): 419-435.
Yuskaev, Timur Raufovich. "The Qurʾan Comes to America: Pedagogies of Muslim Collective Memory." PhD diss., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2010.
Zadeh, Travis E. The Vernacular Qurʾan: Translation and the Rise of Persian Exegesis. Oxford: Oxford University Press in association with the Institute of Ismaili Studies London, 2012.
Last update, 25 February 2013.