Joseph Pulitzer and The World

The Newspaper World > The St. Louis Post Dispatch

St. Louis Post Dispatch

6 O’Clock Extra, Vol. 40, No. 350        

St. Louis, October 7, 1889

World Papers, Box 10

Joseph Pulitzer purchased the St. Louis Evening Dispatch at auction on December 9, 1878, and shortly thereafter merged it with John A. Dillon’s Evening Post to become the St. Louis Post and Dispatch. By March 1879, they renamed it the Post-Dispatch, and by November, Pulitzer had bought Dillon’s half of the paper. For the rest of his life, it made money for Pulitzer, and this copy of the October 7 edition was included in the World Building cornerstone box materials.

Gift of Joseph Pulitzer, Jr.


Joseph Pulitzer

Typed memorial to Carl Schurz

No place, October 10, 1906

Pulitzer Papers, Box 40

Carl Schurz died in May, 1906 at age seventy-seven. He had given Pulitzer his first newspaper job, working on Schurz’s St. Louis newspaper the Westliche Post, had inspired Pulitzer to enter politics, and had remained fond of him even after a harsh political falling out in the 1870s. Pulitzer sent Kate to Carl Schurz’s memorial service, and she reported: “You would have been proud of your chief.”

Gift of Joseph Pulitzer, Jr.

Joseph Pulitzer

Typed memorial to Carl Schurz

No place, October 10, 1906

Pulitzer Papers, Box 40

Gift of Joseph Pulitzer, Jr.


Rare Book & Manuscript Library / Butler Library, 6th Fl. East / 535 West 114th St. / New York, NY 10027 / (212) 854-5153 /