The Melting Pot: Russian Jewish New York

Case 2: Fighters > RSDRP

Pavel Akselrod, Iulii Martov, and Aleksandr Martynov, [Zurich, 1916]. Explanatory note written by Lidiia Dan, New York, February 2, 1950

Photo of Men’shevik leaders and accompanying explanatory note written by Lidiia Dan to Boris Sapir. The note describes a little quarrel between Martov and Aksel’rod caught on this photo.  
Most of those Russian Social Democratic Labor Party (Men’shevik) members who managed to escape from Soviet Russia settled in Europe. The outbreak of Nazism started to push them westwards. There was a significant group of exiled Men’sheviks in the USA, headed by Fedor and Lidiia Dan, Rafail Abramovich, Gregor Aronson, Boris Nikolaevsky, and Boris Sapir.

Correspondence between Rafail Abramovich and Emma Goldman, 1937

Rafail Abramovich Abramovich (Rein), born in Dvinsk, Russia 1880, died in New York 1963. One of the leaders of the Menshevik fraction of the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party and Yiddish and Russian journalist. In 1918, he narrowly escaped the death sentence in Russia. He left Russia for Berlin in 1920 and later emigrated to the USA.

Correspondence between Rafail Abramovich and Emma Goldman concerns the mysterious murder of his son, Mark Rein, who was evidently killed by communist agents in Spain in 1937. Besides Emma Goldman, Abramovich corresponded with many socialist colleagues in an attempt to ascertain the circumstances of his son's death, including Abraham Cahan, Karl Kautskii, and Norman Thomas.

Invitation to the reception celebrating the first anniversary of the publication of the Men'shevik newspaper, Sotsialisticheskii Vestnik, in New York.  [1941]

Moving from Europe to the USA, the Mensheviks continued to publish their newspaper Sotsialisticheskii Vestnik in New York (until the late 1960s).

The invitation signed by the Organization Committee.

G. Aronson, B. Dvinov, B. Sapir. Zadachi i Taktika RSDRP v Emigratsii, 1951

G. Aronson, B. Dvinov, B. Sapir. RSDRP Goals and Tactics in Exile (Thesis).
1 May, 1951

Living in exile, they still discussed the present and future of Russia, and dedicated their lives to fighting the Bol’shevik dictatorship.

Propositions introduced to the Executive Committee of the New York Group, RSDRP, by Comrade M. Peskin. New York, May 25, 1951

Osoboe mnenie t. M. Peskina po organizatsionnomu voprosu. New York, May 25, 1951


Call for a meeting of the New Yorkskaia Gruppa RSDRP. April 2, 1952

Notification about а closed meeting of the New York Group of RSDRP.   
Тhe notification gives the place and time of the meeting, announces the agenda, and expresses the wish that everybody would come on time.


Resolution of the General Meeting of the RSDRP New York Group 

This resolution reflects the situation of disagreements and splits within the party.




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