The Melting Pot: Russian Jewish New York

Case 2: Fighters > David Dubinsky

Members of the Jewish Labor Committee: William Green, David Dubinsky, and Harry Lang. No place, no date 

David Dubinsky (1892-1982), one of the most influential labor leaders of 20th century America. He managed to make his way to the United States in 1911 after escaping while in transit to exile in Siberia. He was being sent there by the Tsarist authorities for participation in the activities and strikes of the bakers' union. During his long political career, he held many high posts (being a prominent member of the Jewish Labor Committee was one of them), took part in the creation of the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO), and was one of the founders of the American Labor Party and the Liberal Party of New York.

Letter from the Jewish Labor Committee to the Foreign Delegation of the RSDRP. New York, June 9, 1944


Letter from David Dubinsky to William Lonsdale Taylor. New York, Dec 18, 1934

David Dubinsky served as president of one of the most powerful American unions, the International Ladies’ Garment Workers’ Union, between 1932 and 1966.


Music Festival of Allied Nations: charity concert organized by the Organization for Rehabilitation through Training. New York, no date

Program of the charity concert organized by the ORT where David Dubinsky was an active member.

Herbert Lehman and David Dubinsky. No place, April 25, 1936

Herbert H. Lehman (1878-1963) giving to David Dubinsky a check for tickets to the benefit of the Committee for Relief and Rehabilitation of Victims of Persecution in Europe. David Dubinsky served as treasurer of the Committee.

Letter from Herbert Lehman to David Dubinsky. New York, July 14, 1947. Herbert H. Lehman Papers

David Dubinsky played an important role in many election campaigns in general, and in Herbert H. Lehman’s campaigns in particular.



Letter from David Dubinsky to Herbert Lehman. New York, July 18, 1947




Telegram from David Dubinsky to Herbert Lehman. New York, July 28, 1949





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