The Melting Pot: Russian Jewish New York

This online exhibition catalog contains materials from the Bakhmeteff Archive of Russian and East European History and Culture exhibition held at the Rare Book and Manuscript Library from April 4, 2006 to July 30, 2006. 

The exhibition featured more than 150 photographs, personal documents, posters, original artworks, and books on the New York Russian Jewish immigrant community held at the Rare Book and Manuscript Library and Bakhmeteff Archive. The exhibition explores many of the issues and personalities discussed in the April 4-6, 2006, international conference on Russian Jewish New York.  The conference was sponsored by the Bakhmeteff Archive, the Harriman Institute, the International Center for Russian and East European Jewish Studies in Moscow, the New York Public Library, and the UJA-Federation of a greater New York.

Exhibit Curator

The exhibition was curated by Katia Shraga with Martin Kevin O'Connor's assistance.

Case 1: Background: Life in Motherland »

Displayed materials describe the situation in Russia during the period from the 1880s to the 1910s when millions of Russian Jews immigrated to America.

Case 2: Fighters »

Among Russian Jews who settled in New York were those who changed New York's - and America's - political landscape forever.

Case 3: Writers: Mirra Ginsburg »

Mirra Ginsburg, 1909-2000. 

A distinguished translator from Russian and Yiddish, an active member of professional associations (American Translators Association, Authors Guild, Authors League of America, and PEN), a winner of numerous awards, and a devoted New Yorker, she bridged  three cultures: Russian, Yiddish, and American. New York's bookshelves would not have been the same without her.

Case 4: Entertainers »

Materials displayed in this case are dedicated to Russian Jewish immigrants' impact on New York's - and America's - show business.

Case 5: Artists: Simon Lissim »

Simon Lissim, 1900-1981

“Simon Lissim, who belonged unmistakably to the twentieth century, was nevertheless a modern example of Renaissance man, for his achievements were spread over a wide spectrum with theatrical décor at one end and porcelain designs at the other. Between were paintings in gouache and scraperboard, and designs for crystal, cutlery and jewellery.” --   Raymond Lister

Case 6: Their Children: Next Generation »

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Rare Book & Manuscript Library / Butler Library, 6th Fl. East / 535 West 114th St. / New York, NY 10027 / (212) 854-5153 /