Ulysses Kay: Twentieth Century Composer

Operas > Jubilee

"Jubilee," an opera in three acts, is based on a novel by Margaret Walker, with a libretto written by Donald Dorr. It calls for thirteen principal singers (three sopranos, one boy soprano, one mezzo-soprano, three tenors, two baritones, and three basses) plus double chorus and orchestra.

Shown here are, from top left, Kay's entries for how the work progressed made in his composition diary kept from 1949-1990, typescript pages for the libretto, and draft program notes.

Kay began the work in 1974 and completed it for the premier production given on November 20, 1976 by Opera South, James DePriest conducting.


Rare Book & Manuscript Library / Butler Library, 6th Fl. East / 535 West 114th St. / New York, NY 10027 / (212) 854-5153 / rbml@library.columbia.edu