New Movements Rise > The Battle over the Equal Rights Amendment
In 1972 an Equal Rights Amendment to the Constitution that banned all sex discrimination passed the House of Representatives and appeared to be on track for ratification. But a conservative push against the amendment, arguing that the ERA would mean an unprecedented extension of federal powers, and an invasion of government into family life turned the campaign increasingly rancorous. Though 35 states approved the amendment, momentum finally stalled and the final three “yes” votes never materialized.
ERA Sash, 1978
Max J. and Ruth Clement Bond Papers
The American Party
Flyer, 1976
Group Research, Inc. Records
Schlafly, Phyllis
“Don’t Let ‘ERA’ Give the Feds More Power”, 1978
Group Research, Inc. Records
The Foundation of Matriarchy
The Matriarchist, 1978
Citizen Committee for the Protection of the Environment Records