Omeka Demo

Items > Add Items


There are two ways to add items to Omeka -- bulk upload and manually.

1. Bulk upload is the quickest way to add a number of metadata records and digital files for your exhibit.

Ask the Digital Library and Scholarly Technologies department to arrange a bulk upload.

When digital imaging is complete DLST will upload your metadata spreadsheet and the associated digital files.

You will be notified when all the content is available.

Don't worry if you need to make changes! You can easily edit these records. However, this is done only on a record-by-record basis.

2. Manually is best for a small number of items.

Click Items on Omeka's administrative Dashboard.

Then click Add an Item in the upper right hand corner of the Browse Items page.

Enter relevant information on the various metadata screens

Make sure to select your "collection" from the drop-down on the Collection screen. (Note that the "collection" is the title of your Omeka exhibit.)

Click Files and Browse to upload a file or files from your computer.

Always make sure to click the Public box so that content can be viewed by visitors to your exhibit.

Click the green Add Item button.



Libraries Digital Program Division / Butler Library / 535 West 114th St. / New York, NY 10027 /