Going Live
Once you've created your exhibit, it's time to publish! When you are ready to "go live" be sure to follow the procedures below:
Quality assurance: While logged into Omeka, click on all of your section links. Do they go to the right place? Are they what you wanted? Does the metadata for each item make sense?
"Permalinks" and resolver URLs: A resolver URL is a permanent link to your exhibit. After you notify DLST that your exhibition is complete they will place a request to catalog your exhibition and a resolver URL will be created for the CLIO record.
Home page image: Contact DLST if you would like assistance with your home page image.
Public site: When you are ready to complete your exhibition, make sure that the "Public" check box on the administrative screen is selected. To ensure that all of your images are also public, copy the URL of your exhibit, then log out of Omeka and paste your copied URL into the browser address bar. Navigate through your exhibition to make sure that users not logged into Omeka can view all of your pages and images. Contact DLST if you receive an error message or notice a problem.
Site listing: We want to list your exhibit on the Online Exhibitions home page! Contact DLST when you are ready to list it. Send brief descriptive text about the exhibition and, if you have a preference, note which image you would like to use.
Press release: Some Libraries choose to issue a press release when an exhibition is complete. Remember to use the resolver URL in the press release.