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Content Blocks

The current version of Omeka, 2.2.2, uses Exhibit Builder 3 and this enables you to create customized layouts.
In earlier versions of Omeka/Exhibit Builder a layout applied to an entire page. Now you work with smaller units called content blocks and these blocks can be combined in any way you wish. The content blocks are:

You create a new page by clicking on the green Add Page box on the Exhibit Metadata page. You will then be on the Add Page page. Here you can select your preferred layout (content block) after providing the Page Title and Page Slug. Click on your chosen layout and you will see a brief explanation of that layout.  In the example below (figure 1), the File with Text layout was selected and this generated the following explanation: Default layout features files justified to left or right with text displaying on the opposite side.  You then click the green Add new content block box to begin work on that content block.

Then - if you chose  File with Text, Gallery, or CUL File without Text - you will be presented with additional Layout Options. Click the arrow next to Layout Options to make selections for the content block (figure 2). The options are different for each of these content blocks.  The options for the content block File with Text are illustrated below (figure 3).

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