item 33ArnoldLotus and JewelLondon: Trübner, 1887Catalog Record CLIO
item 34BelknapHistory of the Fifteenth RegimentKeokuk: R. B. Ogden & Son, 1887Catalog Record CLIO
item 35Chamber Brothers Company Paper-Folding MachineryPhiladelphia: The Company, ca. 1888
item 36The Idler MagazineVol. 3 (Feb.-July 1893)London: Chatto & Windus, 1893Catalog Record CLIO
item 37GreggThe Cambridge FreshmanLondon: Tinsley Brothers, 1877 Catalog Record (CLIO)
item 38 The Bentley BalladsLondon: Richard Bentley, 1858 Catalog Record (CLIO)
item 39Whitelawhe Book of Scottish BalladsLondon: Blackie and Son, 1861Catalog Record CLIO
item 40Ballantyne,The Ocean and Its WondersLondon: T. Nelson, 1874Catalog Record (CLIO)
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