item 1SidneyGauge EvidenceLondon: Edmonds, 1846Catalog Record (CLIO)
item 2MayhewThe Good Genius That Turned Everything into GoldLondon: David Bogue, 1847Catalog Record (CLIO)
item 3PhelpsThe Angel over the Right Shoulder,Andover: Warren F. Draper, 1852
Catalog Record (CLIO)
item 4JamesAdrianNew York: Appleton, 1852
item 5BaileyFestus: A PoemFifth Edition London: William Pickering, 1852 Catalog Record (CLIO)
item 6Puss in Boots, and the Marquis of CarabasNew York: Appleton, 1853
item 7RobinsonHot Corn New York: De Witt and Davenport, 1854
item 8PartonThe Life of Horace GreeleyNew York: Mason Brothers, 1855Catalog Record (CLIO)
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