item 17ReidThe Headless HorsemanVolume Two London: Chapman & Hall, [1866]Catalog Record (CLIO)
item 18Daughter of New YorkThe City's HeartNew York: Carleton, 1866
Catalog Record (CLIO)
item 19TaylorThe Golden WeddingPhiladelphia: J. B. Lippincott [1868]Catalog Record (CLIO)
item 20GreenleafKing Sham, and Other Atrocities in VerseNew York: Hurd and Houghton, 1868Catalog Record (CLIO)
item 21Theory and Art of PenmanshipVolume One, Fifth EditionCrosby and Ainsworth, 1868Catalog Record (CLIO)
item 22The Child's Companion and Juvenile Instructor, 1869London: The Religious Tract Society, 1869
item 23À BeckettThe Comic History of Rome[London]: Bradbury, Agnew, [187-]Catalog Record (CLIO)
item 24WrightThe Golden LadderNew York: American News Company, 1871Catalog Record (CLIO)
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