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critical edition of the complete Arabic text of the Quran with Latin translation and commentary, introduced by an apologetic essay against Islam

in Luigi Marracci's edition, the complete Arabic text of the Quran is preceded by three legal documents, issued by the Congregation of the Holy Roman and Universal Inquisition in Rome, the Clerks Regular of the Blessed Virgin (that is: the editor's…
Opening pages of the complete copy of the Quran with Persian interlinear translation.
Colophon signed by Muḥammad Muḥsin al-Iṣfahānī, dated Ramaḍān 1154/November 1741
First English translation of the complete text of the Quran
the first English translation of the complete Quran from the Arabic text with an English commentary
2nd edition of the revised version of the twelfth-century Latin Quran translation, accompanied by Latin translations of Islamic theological literature
the Arabic text of sura 12 (sūrat Yūsuf) with three Latin translations

Surat Yusuf wa-tahajji al-Arab
Summary of the twelfth-century Latin Quran translation
First English translation of the complete text of the Qur'an;
One of three copies in Burke Library
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