Type to Print: The Book & The Type Specimen Book

Roman vs Italic > Christine de Pisan

CHRISTINE DE PISAN, ca.1364-1431
The Book of Fayttes of Armes & of Chyvalrye
Westminster: William Caxton, 14 July 1489

William Caxton learned the art of printing in Cologne between 1471 and 1472 and then had his own press in Bruges from 1473 to 1475 or 1476.

He next moved to England and, in the fall of 1476, in the precincts of Westminster Abbey, set up the first English press.

The Fayttes of Armes was the ninetieth book that he printed. For this book he used what has become known as his "Type 6." This was a version of the Burgundian bâtarde handwriting, a calligraphic script less formal than the textura or rotunda hands.






Bequest of Stephen Whitney Phoenix

Rare Book & Manuscript Library / Butler Library, 6th Fl. East / 535 West 114th St. / New York, NY 10027 / (212) 854-5153 / rbml@libraries.cul.columia.edu