Imperial Corps of Pages BuildingSt. Petersburg ca. 1858
Code of ConductSt. Petersburg 1900
Code of Conduct St. Petersburg 1900
Page and Page of ChamberSt. Petersburg ca. 1802-1807
Pages in UniformsSt. Petersburg 1896
General Nikolai Alekseevich EpanchinSt. Petersburg 1902
N. A. EpanchinTypescript memoirs Paris 1930
N. A. Epanchin Typescript memoirs Paris 1930
N. A. Epanchin Na sluzhbe trekh imperatorovMoscow: Nashe Nasledie 1996
List of Imperial Corps of Pages Graduates, 1810-1914 New York: Polushkin 1923
Emblem of the Imperial Corps of PagesSt. Petersburg 1915
Artillery Department of the Imperial Corps of PagesSt. Petersburg 1881
Infantry Department of the Imperial Corps of PagesSt. Petersburg 1887
Cavalry Department of the Imperial Corps of PagesSt. Petersburg 1886
Rare Book & Manuscript Library / Butler Library, 6th Fl. East / 535 West 114th St. / New York, NY 10027 / (212) 854-5153 /
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