The Book Undone: Thirty Years of Granary Books

History of the Press > Books About Books

Given the press’s attention to bookmaking, one could say that all Granary publications are books about books. But beginning with The Century of Artists' Books in 1995, Granary has committed to publishing books that explore what it means to put word and image into the book format in essay form. They are works of criticism and poetics, reference books, and documentations of exhibitions. 

The essays in these collections aim to think anew about “the book” — not just the book as physical object, but the idea of the book, and not just the European tradition of the printed book that begins with Gutenberg, but the book as differently constructed by myriad cultures around the world. Jerome Rothenberg's The Book, Spiritual Instrument defines the book broadly and uses a wide historical lens, whereas others such as Judd D. and Renée Riese Hubert's The Cutting Edge of Reading focus more particularly on artists’ books, encouraging a critical discussion about this art form. 

Rare Book & Manuscript Library / Butler Library, 6th Fl. East / 535 West 114th St. / New York, NY 10027 / (212) 854-5153 /