1968: The Global Revolutions

The Student Movement: “Can You Remain Silent?” > Chase Manhattan Bank and South Africa

On March 19, 1965, Todd Gitlin and other SDS organizers led hundreds of demonstrators in a protest and sit-in at the Wall Street headquarters of Chase Manhattan Bank. The Rockefeller-owned financial giant was among the leading American corporations to support South Africa’s Apartheid regime. Decorous by later standards, participants in this episode of civil disobedience were orderly, well-dressed, and mostly uncomplaining, even as they were lifted one by one into waiting police paddy wagons. From his cell later that day, Gitlin jotted down notes describing the scene in jail.

Students for a Democratic Society
Regional Newsletter, VOl. I, No. 7., 1966
Todd Gitlin Papers

Students for a Democratic Society
Protest Flyer, 1965
Todd Gitlin Papers

Laufer, Bob
The Meaning of Apartheid
Todd Gitlin Papers

Gitlin, Todd
Map of Demonstration Route, 1965
Todd Gitlin Papers

Gitlin, Todd
Notes from Jail, 1965
Todd Gitlin Papers

Rare Book & Manuscript Library / Butler Library, 6th Fl. East / 535 West 114th St. / New York, NY 10027 / (212) 854-5153 / rbml@library.columbia.edu