Columbia University’s commitment to the Core Curriculum extends to the University Libraries' special collections. Columbia University Libraries preserve and provide access to important editions of, and in some cases autograph manuscripts by, many of the authors taught in the Core Curriculum. Additionally, the collections include subsequent editions, translations, and adaptations, which demonstrate the transmission and reception of these works across centuries and attest to their continuing importance. These online exhibitions were created as part of an Association of Research Libraries CEP Fellowship Summer 2011 based in Columbia University's Rare Book and Manuscript Library. The RBML staff welcomes Columbia undergraduates who would like to follow up on a potential research question related to any of these items to consult them in person. Instructions for using the library's collections can be found here. See also the exhibit on the Core Curriculum's course on Literature Humanities. Exhibit CuratorKarla Nielsen Aristotle »late medieval manuscript Bibles »from manuscript to Gutenberg to King James and beyond The Quran »muhaqqaq script with Persian interlinear translation Augustine »manuscript and early editions of De civitate dei Machiavelli »false imprint Galileo »early illustrated editions Reformation »Bibles, religious pamphlets, humanist commentaries Hobbes »Leviathan and Greek translations Revolutions »Declarations and Constitutions from the American and French Revolutions Rights »Wollstonecraft, Mill, Du Bois, Woolf Freud »book manuscript and early German and English editions Darwin »an early edition of On the Origin of Species |