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    In the School of Wisdom: Persian Bookbinding, ca. 1575-1890

Exhibition Colophon

This project could have perished at any moment if not for support from a number of people, first and foremost among whom is Jane Siegel. During my four years in New York, I found an invaluable resource not only in the collection under her care but also in Jane's own expertise and good humor.

It is almost possible to lose track of those who, whether directly or indirectly, brought the exhibition to fruition. Thanks are at least due to Morgan S. Adams, Valerie Fendt, Alexis Hagadorn, Jennifer B. Lee, Vanessa Lee, and Sean Quimby for aspects of administration, conservation, design and/or encouragement. The RBML reading room staff—particularly Melissa Cabarcas, Jonathan Jara, and Vianca Victor—patiently endured months of endless requests for this and other projects.

The physical installation would have remained ephemeral if not for the interest and persistence of Peter Magierski, who lobbied for its online preservation. Digitization was made possible through the swift efforts of Violeta Ilik, Emily Holmes, David Ortiz, and Melanie Wacker. The site might have gone live sooner if not for my slow reworking of the material; final thanks are therefore due to “the editor,” in Paris, for reminding me that there is always a moment to stop writing.


“In the School of Wisdom” was on display from 22 October 2018 to 1 March 2019 in the Chang Octagon Gallery at Columbia’s Rare Book & Manuscript Library. This digital text was published in the autumn of 2020; any errors are my own.


Preferred Citation

Matthew Elliott Gillman, "[insert page title]," In the School of Wisdom: Persian Bookbinding, ca. 1575–1890, published online September 2020, <>, accessed [insert date].

Global Studies / Lehman Library / 420 West 118th Street / New York, NY 10027 / (212) 854-3630 /
