Camouflage Plane, Barney Rosset; 1945.
Wrecked US Plane with Covered Insignia, Barney Rosset; Liuchow, July 1945.
Wrecked US Plane with Covered Insignia [back of photo: Wrecked US Plane with Covered Insignia], Barney Rosset; Liuchow, July 1945.
Pontoon Ferry, W. E. Shemorry; Kweiyang and Liuchow [Southeastern Front], 19 July 1945.
Clearing Bridge Wreckage, W.E. Shemorry; Liuchow, 24 July 1945.
Clearing Bridge Wreckage [back of photo: Clearing Bridge Wreckage], W.E. Shemorry; Liuchow, 24 July 1945.
Blown-up Locomotive, W.E. Shemorry; Kweiyang and Liuchow, 19 July 1945.
Blown-up Locomotive [back of photo: Blown-up Locomotive]; Kweiyang and Liuchow, 19 July 1945.
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