Memory and Material in Early Modern England

Everyday Memory > Cosimo Rosselli, Thesaurus Artificiosae Memoriae

Thesaurus artificiosae memoriae, concionatoribus, philosophis, medicis, juristis, oratoribus, procuratoribus, caeterisq[ue] bonarum litterarum amatoribus. Page 1

Title Page

Click here for item information Thesaurus artificiosae memoriae, concionatoribus, philosophis, medicis, juristis, oratoribus, procuratoribus, caeterisq[ue] bonarum litterarum amatoribus. Pars Secunda, Page 138

Rosselli's depiction of the regions of the universe as an ampitheatre 

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Cosimo Rosselli’s Thesaurus Artificiosae Memoriae brings together a focus on the memory arts tradition with the reference technologies that expanded during the sixteenth century, providing a treasury of mnemonics that could be consulted as needed by a reader, such as the one pictured here, which depicts the regions of the universe as an amphitheater, organized by their dominant elements according to early modern elemental science. As a text drawing on the memory arts practices while also adapting to the technologies of its day, the Thesaurus showcases the ongoing adaptation of early modern memory theory to an ever-changing world.


Rare Book & Manuscript Library / Butler Library, 6th Fl. East / 535 West 114th St. / New York, NY 10027 / (212) 854-5153 /