From the radical Maoist-oriented Parti Communiste Marxiste-Leniniste de France, to the socialist Christian Confédération Française Démocratique du Travail, to the self-styled “We Are on the March” action committee, organizations from across the radical political spectrum contributed manifestos, broadsides, flyers, and other ephemeral documents to the uprisings of students and workers across France that would come to be known simply as “May 1968.” The interconnections of this mass movement were explained in the manifesto entitled “Amnesty of Blinded Eyes,” which began by stating: “There is no longer a student problem. The student is an outdated concept.” Instead, student issues were intertwined with the struggles of workers and Third World people as part of a global economic, political, and moral crisis.
Parti Communiste Marxiste-Leniniste de France
Programme, 1968
RBML General Manuscripts
Confédération Française Démocratique du Travail
Syndicalisme, 1968
RBML General Manuscripts
Comité d'Action, Nous Sommes en Marches
“Amnistie des Yeux Creves”, 1968
RBML General Manuscripts