Insistent Change: Columbia’s Core Curriculum at 100

Late 1980s and 1990s > Extended Core

Extended Core

In a 1991 piece for Columbia College Today, former CC Chair J.W. Smit reported on the struggle within the Standing Committee on the Core to agree on the sort of Extended Core strategy that de Bary had hoped for:

"It is important to keep the number of courses small. A mere shopping list of eligible courses would destroy the coherence of the core curriculum. Only when we can get the faculty to meet regularly, to discuss syllabi and to keep the clusters of sections on similar paths, can we hope for continuity and coherence."

Extended Core Requirement Description, 1989

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Extended Core Requirement: Major Cultures Requirement Approved Course List, 1989 (page 1)

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Cultures and Issues Approved Course List, 1995-96 (page 1)

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African Civilizations Syllabus

The 1997 syllabus for African Civilizations was one of a few small-discussion format courses listed among the many courses that students of the mid-1990s could enroll to satisfy the Extended Core requirement (today known as the Global Core).

African Civilizations Syllabus Spring 1997 (page 1)

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