Children's Drawings of the Spanish Civil War

Name Index > C-D > Clua Ferrer, Domingo

Clua Ferrer, Domingo
Age 13

Pyrénées-Orientales Province
Centro Español
Cerbère, France

Drawing no. 87
Este dibujo representa cuando me fui de Port-Bou que beni a serbere a buscar casa (Este d) para refugiarme aqui. Una mujer que mi erhmana trabajaba fui aber si le dejaban una casa para bivir alli por que en porbou tiraban y ha a barbadeos muy fuertes.

This drawing shows when I left Port-Bou and came to Cerbère to find a refuge. A woman that my sister works for looks for a house to live in there because there is shooting in Port-Bou and powerful bombardments.

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