The Protests > Life Outside the Buildings
Community protests against Columbia occurred throughout the occupation. This image was taken on Amsterdam Avenue, looking south.
Crowds of people outside the southwest corner of Low Library. Faculty members wear white armbands, Majority Coalition members wear light blue armbands and occupying student on the building ledge is wearing a red armband.
Occupying students on ledge of Low Library, outside the Presidential suite, attempting to catch food supplies from supporters outside the building.
Scene outside Low Library during the occupation of the President's Office. On Sunday afternoon, April 28, nearly 1,000 faculty, Majority Coalition picketers, and students on both sides of the sit-ins surrounded the southwest corner of the building.
View of crowds outside Low Library from the perspective of occupyingstudents.
Students sympathetic to the principles of the strike but ambivalent about SDS’s tactics would have worn buttons like this one.
SDS’s leaders inherited buttons from previous New York City SDS events and blacked out everything but the word “strike. These homemade buttons became the official buttons of the 1968 protest.