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La Operina di Ludouico Vicentino

Sententiarum Libri IV

Ein gruenndtlich Formular manncherley Art Lateinischer unnd Teutscher Handschrifften

Latin Grammar

Plimpton Item 3

De Rhetorica Seu de Arte Dicendi Libri Tres, Graecolat

Atlas des Enfans, ou, Nouvelle Méthode pour Apprendre la Géographie

De Educatione Puerorum ad Regem Bohemiae Ladislaum

This office will be closed…death of Mrs. George A. Plimpton

Young Lady's Accidence, The

The American Penman, Comprising the Art of Writing, Plain and Ornamental

Elementa Geometriae

Cuneiform tablet

Cherokee Alphabet

De Disciplina Scholarium

Tabvlae Abcdariae Pveriles

Hornbook mould

Portrait of Stella Adler, 1901–1992. American actress. Daughter of Russian-Jewish immigrants from Odessa, Jacob P. Adler and Sara Adler (nee Levitskaia). Born in New York City. For decades, she was regarded as America's foremost acting teacher. She…

Mr. Plimpton's Astrolabe

Verse on Ambedkar in Sanskrit with Hindi and English translations
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