A ketubah, Jewish traditional marriage contract, from Corfu, Greece, written on Monday, 14th of Nisan 5537 [Apr. 21, 1777]. The ketubah is beautifully illustrated with many colors: blue, yellow, green and red. The Ms. lists the dowry given by the…
A ketubah, Jewish traditional marriage contract, from Corfu, Greece, written on the 1st of Adar 5495 [Feb. 23, 1735]. The ketubah is beautifully illustrated with many colors: blue, yellow, green, red, pink and more. The Ms. lists the dowry given by…
A collection of documents partly in original and partly in copies concerning the legislation affecting the Jews' yellow badge and the Jewish legal status in general on the island of Corfu. The documents date from 1454 to 1747.
Volume of testimonials and letters of recommendation in favor of Caim di Elia Coen (Hayyim ben Elias Coen) of Corfu, spanning the period between 1625 to 1651. Caim Coen had lent considerable sums of money (without interest) to the Army of the…
Volume of testimonials and letters of recommendation in favor of Caim di Elia Coen (Hayyim ben Elias Coen) of Corfu, spanning the period between 1625 to 1651. Caim Coen had lent considerable sums of money (without interest) to the Army of the…
Volume of testimonials and letters of recommendation in favor of Caim di Elia Coen (Hayyim ben Elias Coen) of Corfu, spanning the period between 1625 to 1651. Caim Coen had lent considerable sums of money (without interest) to the Army of the…
Handwritten copy of a decree of Domenicus Contarenus (Domenico Contarini), Doge of Venice, of March 20, 1665, settling a dispute between the Italian and Greek Jewish communities of Corfu, with "lista della tanza" or list of members of the…
Surgeon Diploma (April 1, 1761) of Menachem di Natan Azzar from the Colleges of Padua and Venice with four signers on behalf of the Venetian "Proveditor General," Francesco Grimani (1 leaf)
Doctoral Diploma (September 28, 1778) for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy and Medicine of Menachem (Mandolino) Ben Natan Azzar from the University of Padova, "under Venetian authority," with three signers.
Doctoral Diploma (September 28, 1778) for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy and Medicine of Menachem (Mandolino) Ben Natan Azzar from the University of Padova, "under Venetian authority," with three signers.
Doctoral Diploma (September 28, 1778) for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy and Medicine of Menachem (Mandolino) Ben Natan Azzar from the University of Padova, "under Venetian authority," with three signers.
Doctoral Diploma (September 28, 1778) for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy and Medicine of Menachem (Mandolino) Ben Natan Azzar from the University of Padova, "under Venetian authority," with three signers.
Doctoral Diploma (September 28, 1778) for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy and Medicine of Menachem (Mandolino) Ben Natan Azzar from the University of Padova, "under Venetian authority," with three signers.
Decree of Domenicus Contarenus (Domenico Contarini), Doge of Venice, of March 20, 1665, settling a dispute between the Italian and Greek Jewish communities of Corfu. The decree describes the proceedings of the Doge's hearing and his subsequent…
Decree of Domenicus Contarenus (Domenico Contarini), Doge of Venice, of March 20, 1665, settling a dispute between the Italian and Greek Jewish communities of Corfu. The decree describes the proceedings of the Doge's hearing and his subsequent…