Union Theological Seminary students and community gathering in front of Union to head down to the Millions March in Washington Square Park. Candace Simpson is pictured in this image.
Union Theological Seminary students and community gathering in front of Union to head down to the Millions March in Washington Square Park. Union alums Anne R. Elliott and Teresa Delgado pictured.
First appearing in September 1522 (the so-called "September Testament"), Luther’s New Testament was reprinted more than 50 times over the next four years. The two marginal manicules in this 1523 edition point to key passages in St. Paul’s "Epistle to…
First appearing in September 1522 (the so-called "September Testament"), Luther’s New Testament was reprinted more than 50 times over the next four years. The two marginal manicules in this 1523 edition point to key passages in St. Paul’s "Epistle to…
The third Wittenberg folio edition of Luther's translation. Woodcut illustrations of the Apocalypse of St. John, from the workshop of Lucas Cranach the Elder, depict the defeat of the satanic dragon at the conclusion of that visionary work. The…
The third Wittenberg folio edition of Luther's translation. Woodcut illustrations of the Apocalypse of St. John, from the workshop of Lucas Cranach the Elder, depict the defeat of the satanic dragon at the conclusion of that visionary work. The…
The first edition of Luther’s translation of the Torah – the first five books of the Hebrew Bible, also known as the Pentateuch – showing a woodcut image of a scene from the story of Noah and the flood.
A notebook (pinkas) of the social gathering Bikur Holim in Corfu. The text includes bylaws of the members of the group and . In additions, there is a list of income and expenses between the years 1633-1645.