"Testimonial Dinner to Hon. Frances Perkins, Secretary of Labor or the United States, given by labor organizations, women's clubs, civic and social groups of New York City; Hotel Commodore, New York City" taken from cover.
Letter includes "The Government's Right to Condition the Purchase of Its Supplies and the Rendering of SErvices to It Upon the Observance of Decent Labor Standards", written by Felix Frankfurter
After Truman accepted her resignation, along with those of most of the FDR cabinet who had stayed to help in the transition to the new administration, Felix Frankfurter sent Perkins this graceful letter of congratulations for a job well done.
Typescript of the speeches given at a meeting of the Consumers' League of New York City, held at the Hotel Commodore. Then New York State Governor Franklin Roosevelt and New York State Industrial Commissioner Frances Perkins spoke at the event.