Exhibition: Type to Print: The Book & The Type Specimen Book
Item appears in the following exhibition pageType to Print: The Book & The Type Specimen Book: Roman vs Italic: Type Faces Item InformationDublin CoreTitleType Specimen Sheet, detail
DescriptionType Specimen Sheet. A rare specimen sheet showing type based on Arrighi's italic hand.
CreatorArrighi, Ludovico degli
PublisherTolomeo Janiculo
IdentifierCLIO id:452931
Additional Item MetadataProvenance American Type Founders Company Library
MODSKey Date1529
Type of Dateexact
Publication PlaceVicenza
Publication Date1529
Form/Genreprinted ephemera
Repository NameRare Book and Manuscript Library, Columbia University
Shelf LocationBOOKART Z232.J25 1529 L96
Language of CatalogingEnglish
Digital Originreformatted digital
CitationArrighi, Ludovico degli, “Type Specimen Sheet, detail,” Columbia University Libraries Online Exhibitions, accessed December 27, 2024, https://exhibitions.library.columbia.edu/exhibits/show/type_to_print/item/7601. |