Exhibition: Roar, Lion, Roar: A Celebration of Columbia Football
Item appears in the following exhibition pageRoar, Lion, Roar: A Celebration of Columbia Football: Glory Days: Rose Bowl Game, 1934 Item InformationDublin CoreTitleRose Bowl Newsreel Footage
CreatorGithens, W. French
Pathe News
RightsIn Copyright
TypeMoving Image
MODSKey Date1934
Form/Genremoving images
Repository NameUniversity Archives, Columbia University
NotesOriginal filename: UA_rosebowl_clip.mp4
Digital Originreformatted digital
CollectionIntercollegiate Athletics and Physical Education Records
CitationGithens, W. French and Pathe News, “Rose Bowl Newsreel Footage,” Columbia University Libraries Online Exhibitions, accessed March 13, 2025, https://exhibitions.library.columbia.edu/exhibits/show/roar-lion-roar/item/12013. |