Exhibition: Dramatic Museum Realia
Item appears in the following exhibition pageItem InformationDublin CoreTitleDragon marionette
DescriptionFor Bufano's production of Orlando Furioso.
Conservation assessment: LIMIT HANDLING; fabric is stiff and fragile, and the painted surface is flaking. The holes in the fabric have been covered to prevent loss of the stuffing.
CreatorRemo Bufano
SourceDramatic Museum Realia
Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Columbia University
IdentifierDM number: P47.05
Box: 48
CoverageUnited States
Additional Item MetadataProvenanceCooper Union Museum (Remo Bufano Studios, Inc.), 1953
CitationBell, John. "Puppets and 'The Iconography of Drama': The Brander Matthews Collection at Columbia University." in American Puppetry. Edited by Phyllis T. Dircks, 105-117. New York: McFarland and Company, 2004.
Still Image Item Type MetadataOriginal FormatMarionettes (stringed puppets)
cloth, metal
Physical Dimensions67" (nose-tail)
CitationRemo Bufano, “Dragon marionette,” Columbia University Libraries Online Exhibitions, accessed February 10, 2025, https://exhibitions.library.columbia.edu/exhibits/show/realia/item/1680. |