Exhibition: The People in the Books: Hebraica and Judaica Manuscripts from Columbia University Libraries
Item appears in the following exhibition pageItem InformationDublin CoreTitleḤozeḳ yad ṿe-hu ha-yad ha-ḥazaḳah asher ʻasʹah Mosheh ben Maimon ṿe-ḥibarti..be-mahut ha-shir. 243v
חוזק יד והוא היד החזקה אשר עשה משה בן מימון ...במהות השיר
CreatorIbn Muvhar, Solomon ben Samuel.
IdentifierCLIO id: 7745718
MODSKey Date1636
Type of Dateexact
Repository NameRare Book and Manuscript Library, Columbia University
Shelf LocationX893.15 M88
NotesOriginal filename: 120017099.tif
Language of Catalogingeng
Digital OriginReformatted Digital
CollectionX Manuscripts
CitationIbn Muvhar, Solomon ben Samuel., “Ḥozeḳ yad ṿe-hu ha-yad ha-ḥazaḳah asher ʻasʹah Mosheh ben Maimon ṿe-ḥibarti..be-mahut ha-shir. 243v,” Columbia University Libraries Online Exhibitions, accessed February 13, 2025, https://exhibitions.library.columbia.edu/exhibits/show/hebrew_mss/item/7081. |