Exhibition: 1968: The Global Revolutions
Item appears in the following exhibition page1968: The Global Revolutions: The Feminine Mystique: Betty Friedan Correspondence Item InformationDublin CoreTitleBetty Friedan Letter to Burton Beals. Page 1
CreatorFriedan, Betty
Beals, Burton
RightsIn Copyright
TypeStill Image
MODSKey Date1962
Repository NameRare Book & Manuscript Library, Columbia University
Shelf LocationBox 12, Folder Friedan
NotesOriginal filename: 1968_044_01.tif
Aeon Slip No.: 133510
Digital Originreformatted digital
CollectionW.W. Norton & Company Records
CitationFriedan, Betty and Beals, Burton, “Betty Friedan Letter to Burton Beals. Page 1,” Columbia University Libraries Online Exhibitions, accessed March 14, 2025, https://exhibitions.library.columbia.edu/exhibits/show/global-revolutions/item/11602. |