Exhibition: Sydney Howard Gay’s "Record of Fugitives"
Item appears in the following exhibition pageSydney Howard Gay’s "Record of Fugitives": Addenda: page [15] Item InformationDublin CoreTitleRecord of Fugitives. Addenda, page [15]
CreatorGay, Sydney Howard, 1814-1888
SourceFugitive slaves--United States
MODSKey Date1857
Type of Dateinferred
Repository NameRare Book & Manuscript Library, Columbia University
Shelf LocationBox 72, Folder 4, MS0475
NotesReverse of undated document in hand of James Morris
Language of Catalogingeng
Digital Originreformatted digital
CollectionSydney Howard Gay Papers
CitationGay, Sydney Howard, 1814-1888, “Record of Fugitives. Addenda, page [15],” Columbia University Libraries Online Exhibitions, accessed March 9, 2025, https://exhibitions.library.columbia.edu/exhibits/show/fugitives/item/8987. |