Exhibition: Butler 75: Butler Library's 75th Anniversary, 1934-2009
Item appears in the following exhibition pageButler 75: Butler Library's 75th Anniversary, 1934-2009: People: People, page 2 Item InformationDublin CoreTitleRe-shelving in the Stacks
DescriptionWoman with bangs and glasses putting a book back on the shelf in the stacks
CreatorEsther Bubbley
SourceHistorical Photograph Collection;Box 162;Folder 15 (Buildings & Grounds - Morningside - Butler Library, Interior w/ People)
CitationEsther Bubbley, “Re-shelving in the Stacks,” Columbia University Libraries Online Exhibitions, accessed March 11, 2025, https://exhibitions.library.columbia.edu/exhibits/show/butler75/item/622. |