Exhibition: Butler 75: Butler Library's 75th Anniversary, 1934-2009
Item appears in the following exhibition pageButler 75: Butler Library's 75th Anniversary, 1934-2009: Art & Architecture: Art Item InformationDublin CoreTitleEntrance Hallway Mural
DescriptionMural painting by Eugene Savage of the Yale School of Fine Arts. The painting is of Athene in white depicted warding off two devils, symbolic of malevolent influence and disorder. The flying figures at the right represent divinity, the sciences and the arts. Below is a group symbolic of modern occupations: agriculture, industry, and intellectual endeavor. Behind the figure of Athene is the skyline of lower Manhattan. At the top of the canvas stands a temple whose frieze bears the Columbia motto (p.103, A GUIDE TO COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY edited by John William Robson).
CreatorWurts Bros., N.Y.
SourceHistorical Photograph Collection;Box 162;Folder 14 (Buildings & Grounds - Morningside - Butler Library, Interior)
CitationWurts Bros., N.Y., “Entrance Hallway Mural,” Columbia University Libraries Online Exhibitions, accessed March 11, 2025, https://exhibitions.library.columbia.edu/exhibits/show/butler75/item/615. |